How to recreate people

Can you recreate a person to appear in your life, exactly how you want them to? The answer is always, Yes.

It is completely possible to recreate someone and change their behaviour, this is not a violation of their free will.  The reason you have the power to change and recreate someone is because everyone is you pushed out; they are a manifestation of you. We as humans are used to thinking of ourselves as one thing and then the rest of the world as something separate to us but in reality there is no us and them because the whole vast world is you pushed out.

All the situations you have encountered are projections of your thoughts and imagination, that have manifested into the 3D world. The things you’ve experienced in life and how people treat you, haven’t just happened to you. You have created it yourself through your thoughts, beliefs, fears and assumptions. Since you created these situations in the first place, you also have the power to change it and recreate it, however you want and whenever you want.

If you are sitting there feeling helpless, because you have tried everything to change your specific person. You have argued, begged, cried, in the hope your specific person would listen, understand, and respond more positively. However, everything you have tried has failed. That is because you are trying to change them in the 3D world. Nothing can appear in the 3D world, that wasn’t first imagined in the mind.

You also can’t hold this against your specific person or blame them for the current circumstances. They are just you pushed out, they can only appear in your life; the way you assume and believe they will appear, they reflect your thoughts. You are creating your reality through your thoughts, whether you’re doing it consciously or unconsciously. Therefore, the way they’ve appear in your life now, was created by you but was done using your past autopilot habitual thoughts and assumptions. To change your specific person in the 3D world, you must first change them in your mind.

Now that you understand that you created them like this, you can start to change them and consciously recreate them. When it comes to recreating a specific person, is that violating their free will? The answer to that is always No! The reason, why it’s not a violation of their free will is because you aren’t forcing them to do anything. You are simply changing your perception of them. All you’re now doing is creating a more favourable version of them, by directing your thoughts in a more conscious way.  

So, how do you recreate your specific person. Firstly, what I suggest you do is make a list of all the things that annoy you or you’re unhappy with. Think about it clearly, when you think of the situation and your SP, what comes to mind, the specific things you want to change in your person. Now use the things you have highlighted on your original list, as a guide to create a new list. The new list should consist of all the things you want in an ideal situation. How do you want your person to behave and treat you. This new list will form your affirmations, that you will use to affirm to yourself the new story. Every time your mind tries to revert back to the old thoughts or react to the 3D world. You will use this list of affirmations and a mental diet, as a reminder to see your person in a way you want them to be, instead of how they currently are. You will repeat the new list of affirmations on a regular basis, to overwrite the past habitual thoughts. Now imagine how it would feel, if what you were affirming was already true.

Think of your thoughts as instructions for the other person. Imagine they can overhear everything that is going on inside your mind. Therefore, only entertain thoughts about them, that you’d like them to act upon in the 3D world. Remember that assumptions, although false, will harden into fact. If you assume your specific person acts or is a certain way and you think those thoughts on a regular basis, those will become your dominant thoughts. That means your specific person must conform to that, and appear that way in your life, it’s the law.

So, for example one thing that use to annoy me about my SP was, he would get so distracted by his work and forget to message me back. I could argue with him about it in the 3D world but there is no point, because he will do what is going on inside my mind and thoughts at the time, which was he is so selfish, he doesn’t care about my feelings and that is what would manifest. So instead, I changed it in my mind, to he always messages me, to tell me what is happening. Now he messages me and says, “sorry babe working, call you later”. If I had addressed it in the 3D world, it would have just caused an argument and he would have carried on as normal but because I changed it in my mind to what I wanted, he automatically does that now. He had to conform to my new assumptions of him.

Try it next time, it will work. Imagine you had a mark on your face and you were trying to get rid of it by cleaning the mirror, there is no point cleaning the reflection in the mirror, you have to clean your face for the face to appear clean in the mirror.  

52 thoughts on “How to recreate people

  1. Can you please elaborate what self concept means regarding an SP ? Like what my self concept should be if I am manifesting being married to my SP ?


    1. I’ve covered self concept in the self love and EIYPO posts. Self concept is basically self confidence in yourself and your situation.


    1. Yes you can, if you can change the old story to a new story where you are already together. If you can convince the subconscious mind this is your new reality, you can manifest it.


  2. How do I do that ? Everything in the 3D is against me but I have a deep deep desire to reconcile with my SP and I read in your blog that if I can imagine it then I can have it but I’m struggling to live in the end


    1. You have to ignore what your SP is doing in the 3D world. Their behaviour at the moment is based on your past thoughts, you need to think of your SP how you want them to appear in your life. You need to accept that your thoughts create your reality, that knowledge will make it easier to control the mind. There is no easy way you have to put in the work and discipline the mind.


    1. Every scenario you can imagine exists already. You just have to convince your subconscious mind that is already your reality, the subconscious can be impressed in two ways hypnosis (SAT’s, meditation) or habit (repetition).


  3. Hi Sia .. me again .. I am currently dating someone I have fallen out of love with. every time i try to leave there is always a lot of emotional blackmail and convinces me to give him another try etc. I want to recreate him so that he breaks up with me. how do i do that? What would my mental diet be in this case?


    1. I would affirm you deserve to be with someone you love and makes you happy. For the other person, I would affirm something like he always listens to me and maybe he meets someone else and moves on. Remember never affirm something bad for another person. I hope that helps 🙂


  4. Can I revise my entire relationship with my SP ? I mean small events that seemed to add up and create a pattern of hot and cold for few years.


    1. You can revise it, if it is causing you anxiety and triggers you but it is not the past that is creating your future. It’s your thoughts and beliefs, therefore the best thing to do is forget the past and start consciously controlling your thoughts to get what you want in the future.


  5. Yes I have forgotten and forgiven. But randomly I will get scenes from the past that trigger me in the sense I hope things were resolved then so that I would not be in my current situation. Also I asked about revision because I don’t want to take the old patterns into my revised relationship


    1. You can revise the scenes from the past that are triggering you, the point of revision is to prevent you dwelling in the old story, so you can forget what has happened and imagine it to be how you had hoped. To avoid repeating old patterns again, you have to retrain your mind to think different thoughts. Also, remember if you believe in the law, then you have created your past with your habitual negative thoughts, so there is no one to forgive but yourself, it wasn’t your SP’s fault you had those thoughts and insecurities.


  6. So whenever a bad memory comes I should revise it on the spot ? Apart from that I shylive as if I’m already married to my SP ?


    1. I would revise the situation causing the bad memories and replay the scene until the bad feelings and memories from the past are gone. You should live in your 3D world as normal, but living in the end means your thoughts should be aligned to being married to your SP, you should not entertain any opposing thoughts to that.


    1. Yes, I personally use affirmations and mental diet is very important. You have to monitor all your thoughts and only entertain thoughts of your desired end.


  7. “So, for example one thing that use to annoy me about my SP was, he would get so distracted by his work and forget to message me back. I could argue with him about it in the 3D world but there is no point, because he will do what is going on inside my mind and thoughts at the time, which was he is so selfish, he doesn’t care about my feelings and that is what would manifest.”

    Maybe this a who came first – the hen or the egg question -but how come he acted like that the first time (getting distracted/forgetting to ms you)? What I mean is, did your assumption of that come first? Of him being like that without seeing him that way? Or did he do that once and then you assumed it and he became more and more like that? I am just trying to understand how we create someone to be a certain way the first time we meet them/the first time they behave in a way…


    1. He started acting like that because the more I developed feelings for him, the more my old insecurities came to the surface. When this happened I would take the littlest thing like him not instantly replying to a message and making scenarios in my head without any basis. The more I created these negative scenarios in my head, the more they would appear in my 3D. Until I learned conscious manifesting, now I make scenarios about how he is so perfect and wonderful and he is 🙂


  8. Thank you so much for your answer and your enlightening articles! ❤
    P.S. I also asked a question in your "stop wanting…" article which I would love an answer to as well! 🙂


  9. I guess this: “Yes, but then I would also go back home to my Sp and not stay where I’m currently and temporary living?”

    As mentioned in my statement/question (I guess I was careful to not repeat my old story), I’m currently living a happy life despite the circumstances. Nevertheless, it’s a life on standby as my work was conducted from that place (farm). So I am kind of like waiting to be able to work in my land/home again (owned by him) while doing other jobs in another country(that I like but aren’t what I want to do for the rest of my life whereas what I did there is).

    I am not sure whether I should continue with this standby life while living my real life in my imagination, or whether I should stop waiting and go back to the house and farm we shared together (which is what I would do if I was living in the end also in my 3D/didm’t believe he would reject me seeing me return) or start looking for other houses/farms (which seems contradictory to me really believing that I can exactly what I want and not an “alternative”)

    Thoughts on this? ❤


    1. Manifesting all comes down to your beliefs and assumptions, do you believe that looking for an alternative will ruin your actual manifestation, if so then it will, if not then it won’t. You make the rules in your reality.


  10. Alright, so I guess the same applies for “Yes, but then I would also go back home to my SP and not stay where I’m currently and temporary living?” if I assumed that my SP would let me in?

    But how come then this rarely is taught in the Neville community – that if we assumed/were confident about a good outcome when taking the first step then it would be fine as well? I feel like what’s mostly “taught” is to wait until the SP reaches out (as that seems to be more secure as most of us when reaching out first do it out of a needy place/aren’t indifferent or confident about the response we get?)

    Also, one thing I don’t understand is how come then when we assume something and the contrary happens? Like I assumed and was afraid that my SP’s parents didn’t want anything to do with me while visiting my SP’s country earlier this year, but I had worked on forgiving them and focusing on their positive aspects etc, and when there my SP’s parents surprised me with being nice and not talking about the past at all!

    Also, thank you ❤


    1. Neville taught about living in the end and controlling your self talk. Assuming what you desire is yours and letting it come to you in the most natural way possible. For some people it is natural to take the first step, for others it’s more natural to wait.


  11. But how do one know when taking the first step that it comes from a place of confidence and not neediness?

    Or is the belief that it will backfire if it comes from the latter a limited belief per se?

    The thing is since so many things in my life depended on my SP (the farm, the professional kitchen/space etc) all those things are currently on hold. So it’s not like a breakup where one continues with his/her work, living in the same country etc (I’m currently back in my country of origin which I hadn’t lived in since 10 years but longing to go back to my SP’s and our home where all my life were and still is)
    My SP sent all my stuff back to this country, but I’m telling myself that it’s just stuff, material. And that it’s easy to send it all back. So I ignore the 3D. Although it has now passed 1 year (a year full of inner work leading me to Hicks and then to Neville) and I sometimes wonder how long I have to “wait” like this until I can move back to our home and continue my work etc.. (all the while finding nuggets of happiness where I am/making the best of the situation/learning new things/working on myself etc)

    Any suggestions/insights you would like to share? ❤


    1. Check your thoughts, they will give you an indication of if it’s coming from a place of confidence or neediness. The fact your asking all these questions, shows me it’s not coming from a place of confidence. You have to test the law, and see it work for yourself, you can ask a million questions but that won’t help you manifest. Test the law and see what works for you.


  12. I already know the law works. Even before I didn’t know I manifested (such as the relationship with my SP) So that is not what I wonder. What I wonder is more that now that I know that it works, how long should I wait until I see the desire which is already manifested in my imagination also manifested in my 3D?

    (Since my belief seems to be that it’s an contradictory action if I start planning for a backup/alternative plan, and that I have to wait til my SP reaches out)


    1. The time it takes to happen is dependent on the individual. Also, if you already had what you wanted, why would you be looking for it in the 3D!


  13. But this takes me to why I commented in the first place under your other article?

    You mean if I had what I wanted in my 4D or 3D?

    Because as mentioned, if I had what I wanted in my 3D, I would fly back to our home asap. Also, as mentioned, since so many aspects of my life depends on that relationship I notice the not having it in my 3D more I think.

    I believe one can live in the end (in the 4D) while noticing the absence in the 3D now, which is a product of past thoughts/imaginations. If I wouldn’t notice it that would be acting “as if” which as I have learned is not the same as “living in the end”. I can’t pretend that we are together in the now (aka past), only calm myself by remembering the future with my current thoughts/imaginations.


  14. I’m sry but I really don’t understand the “if you already had what you want why would you be looking for it?”
    Surely it’s not only about having it in one’s mind but also to experience it in one’s outside world as well?
    As within, as without right?

    I know I am god but I am also a human! ❤


    1. Manifestation in my experience usually happens when you’re confident it is yours. When you reach that feeling you know, so there is no need to ask questions, or think what if, you have a sense of knowing, its done. I suggest you read Neville, and make your own interpretations, and if you test the law you will find what works better for you.


  15. Dear Sia,

    Thank you so much for your time and answers. ❤

    Whereas last year I hoped and was a law of attraction practitioner (you know all that “this or someone better”/“whatever the Universe has in store for me” – in other words: Universe as something external. This year I know. I know it works and I know it’s done. That manifestation is not about creating but selecting an already made creation. What I don’t know though is what to do meanwhile and how long it’s gonna take for it to arrive (in my 3D) and that’s what I was trying to ask you. But I understand that these are questions that you can’t answer to either.

    In other words: while last year I read/listened to everything Hicks, this year I’ve read everything NG (including all his books) 😉


    1. I think the point you’re not getting is as Abdullah said it to Neville “You are already in Barbados”. If you keep questioning it and the 3D, when will my manifestation come, it means you don’t believe it will come, that kind of thinking is causing delays. Whereas, your mindset should be it’s already mine. Do you look for something that’s already yours! Only you have the answers within.


  16. Even though we Manifested our current reality & many people want their SPs back, even if we change the old story into a new one & the SP returns, surely it can’t seem like everything is rainbows and sunshine automatically, like even though we Manifested things, the SP would still need to take responsibility on their part, make up for their part etc otherwise it could be like letting someone walk all over you even if you stopped the old story & created a new one like wouldn’t they still need to take some account of the old story & make up for it etc before the new story can properly start playing out? Not sure if I am talking about bridge of incidents here or manifesting in the middle here instead of the end..


    1. That’s why it is more important to concentrate on the self-concept so you know your worth and when the SP comes back you don’t let them walk all over you. This journey is never about the SP or money but more about you and your own self-image and how you see yourself in relation to your desire.


  17. Did your SP apologise once he returned and try and make up for everything?
    Just wondering how we would be doing the above, if when manifesting, we are affirming for the SP so isn’t it also about them? As we can’t just affirm for self concept only, it would be like you’re at a restaurant saying you have a high metabolism and can eat anything and you expect them to give you the correct item but if you don’t say it specifically, even though your self concept about your metabolism is great, you still may not end up getting the exsct meal you want so it becomes about something else too here than just self concept…


    1. You are missing the point, it is not about the SP they conform to your beliefs and thoughts. You can affirm 24/7 your SP loves you but if you don’t have the self-concept to believe that is possible they will never conform. Affirmations alone against a poor self concept have a big uphill battle.


  18. Hi, I wanna manifest my sp in a new and best version where is a very sweet and soft-spoken guy and he must be very successful in his life and his family as well, so I how do I do that ?


    1. Hi Deepti, in this post I highlight step by step how you can recreate someone into the person you want them to be. I suggest you follow those steps. You have to be willing to do the work and put in the effort, manifesting isn’t a quick fix, it takes discipline and dedication to get results.


  19. “So instead, I changed it in my mind, to he always messages me, to tell me what is happening. Now he messages me and says, “sorry babe working, call you later”.

    Just for clarity, as you started shifting your thoughts, would you ignore the thing that annoyed you when he did it and replaced it with the new thoughts/affirmations until it changed or did you cut back on messaging him etc. For me I would message my bf “goodnight, love you” every night, & i would rarely get it back because either he fell asleep or took long to reply that he doesn’t see it until next morning, so should I continue messaging the goodnight texts, while shifting my thoughts or cut back until a change occurs?


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